We are a young, enthusiastic and harmonious team. To find out more about us and our journey, take a look at ABOUT US. As we continue to grow, we’ll always have new opportunities to offer. To keep up to date, sign up for our newsletter. We offer a modern and relaxed working environment at Bockenheimer Warte. Home office, flexible working hours, lots to learn, trust, responsibility and table tennis. Depending on your experience and personal fit, we would like you to be involved in the grow of our company (VSOP). But now on to our specific job offers:
Creative Coder
Your role will be the visual implementation of PHONT using code. You will develop the heart of PHONT, the visual output based on the data from the audio analysis. You will be the bridge between Freddi’s design vision and Marcello’s audio analysis. Ideally, you have a degree in media informatics, design or experience in visualizing project visions using code. The key will be to enable user experience using parametric design features. Join us in leading our company into a bright future. Send us your Application and CV to [email protected].
Find a more detailled job description here.

Intern or Thesis
Do you want to write your thesis in collaboration with Phont, do an internship with us or apply for an Erasmus programme from abroad? Here are opportunities in social media, business development or data science that might interest you.
React Development Internship Description
Design Internship Description
Notion-List of potential Research Topics
Data Science Thesis Description
Social Media Thesis Description
Social Media Internship Description
Upcoming Job Offers
We are not yet aware of the exact terms and conditions, but soon we will be posting job openings in the following sectors. If you are already interested, please contact us! We are also up for internships and scholarships.
- Business Development
- Administration
- Linguistics
- Law
- Type Design
- UX Design